American experts recommend 12 foods rich in vitamin B12, as you want to know 2021-01-12

Vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient that the body cannot produce by itself, so you need to get it from your diet or supplements. If you overuse whip cream chargers, For health considerations, you must replenish B12 in your body within a certain period of time.

healthy food

This water-soluble vitamin has many important functions in your body.

This is necessary to maintain neurological health, support the production of DNA and red blood cells, and maintain normal brain function.

The recommended daily intake (RDI) is approximately 2.4 micrograms, but the recommended intake for pregnant or breastfeeding women is slightly higher.

Vitamin B12 is absorbed by the stomach through a protein called intrinsic factor. This substance binds to the vitamin B12 molecule to help it be absorbed into the blood and cells.

Your body stores too much vitamin B12 in the liver, so if your intake of vitamin B12 exceeds the RDI, your body will store it for future use.

If your body does not produce enough storage, or you do not eat enough foods rich in vitamin B12, you may develop vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal products, especially meat and dairy products. Fortunately for those vegetarians, fortified foods are also good sources of this vitamin.

Here are 12 healthy foods rich in vitamin B12.

1. Animal liver and kidney
Animal offal is the most nutritious food. Liver and kidneys, especially lamb, are rich in vitamin B12.

A 3.5 ounce (100 g) lamb liver provides 150% of vitamin B12.

Although the vitamin B12 content in sheep liver is higher than beef or veal, the latter two kinds of sheep liver contain about 990% RDI per 3.5 ounces (100 grams).

Sheep liver is also rich in copper, selenium, vitamin A and B2 (4).

The kidneys of lamb, veal, and beef are also rich in vitamin B12, providing approximately 130% of the RDI per 3.5 ounces (100 grams). They also provide more than 100% of the RDI for vitamin B2 and selenium.

2. Clams
Clams are small, chewy shellfish that are rich in nutrients.

This mollusk is a lean source of protein and contains a high concentration of vitamin B12. You can get more than 300% RDI in 20 clams.

Clams, especially whole small clams, also provide a lot of iron. In 20 small clams, almost 300% of the RDI.

Clams have also proven to be a good source of antioxidants.

Interestingly, the cooked clam soup is also rich in vitamin B12. Canned broth can provide 2.7-14.1 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 3.5 ounces (100 grams).

Sardines are small and soft saltwater fish. Although you can also buy fresh canned food, they are usually made with water, oil or sauce.

Sardines are very nutritious because they contain a lot of every nutrient.

One cup (150 grams) of drained sardines provides double the RDI for vitamin B12.

In addition, sardines are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to provide many health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and improving heart health.

4. Beef
Beef is an excellent source of vitamin B12.

A serving of grilled flat iron steak (about 186 grams) provides almost 200% of the RDI of vitamin B12.

The same amount of steak contains the right amount of vitamin B2, B3 and B6, as well as more than 100% RDIs of selenium and zinc.

If you are looking for a higher concentration of vitamin B12, it is recommended that you choose from low-fat meats. Roasting or roasting is better than frying. This helps maintain the vitamin B12 content.

5. Fortified cereals
This source of vitamin B12 may be effective for vegetarians and vegans, because it is synthetic, not animal sources.

Although not often recommended as part of a healthy diet, fortified grains can be a good source of B vitamins, especially B12. Food fortification refers to the process of adding nutrients that are not originally in food.

For example, wheat bran flakes provide up to 137% of the RDI vitamin B12 in 3/4 cup (29 grams).

The same serving of oatmeal also contains 140% of the vitamin B6 RDI and a lot of vitamins A, C and E.

Studies have shown that eating fortified grains every day can help increase the concentration of vitamin B12.

In fact, one study showed that when participants ate a cup (240 ml) of fortified cereal containing 4.8 micrograms of vitamin B12 a day for 14 weeks, their vitamin B12 levels increased significantly.

If you choose to use fortified grains to increase your vitamin B12 intake, be sure to choose a brand with low added sugar and high fiber or whole grains.

6. Tuna
Tuna is a common fish and an important source of nutrients, including protein, vitamins and minerals.

Tuna contains a high concentration of vitamin B12, especially in the muscles under the skin, the so-called black muscle.

A 3.5 ounce (100 g) serving of fresh tuna contains 160% of the vitamin RDI.

The same amount also contains a lot of lean protein, phosphorus, selenium and vitamins a and B3.

Canned tuna also contains a considerable amount of vitamin B12. In fact, one can (165 grams) of light tuna contains 85% of the RDI in water.

7. fortified nutritional yeast
Nutritional yeast is a good vegetarian source of protein, vitamins and minerals.

It is a kind of yeast, especially used as food, not as a leavening agent in bread and beer.

Vitamin B12 is not naturally present in nutritional yeast. However, it is usually an important source of fortified vitamin B12.

Like fortified cereals, the vitamin B12 in nutritional yeast is beneficial to vegetarians because it is artificially synthesized.

Two tablespoons (16 grams) of nutritional yeast contains up to 130% RDI vitamin B12.

A study added nutritional yeast to the diet of vegan vegans and found that it increased blood levels of vitamin B12 and helped reduce blood markers of vitamin B12 deficiency.

8. Trout
Rainbow trout is considered one of the healthiest fish in the world.

This freshwater species is an important source of protein, healthy fats and B vitamins.

A 3.5 ounce (100 g) salmon fillet provides 125% RDI vitamin B12 and more than 1300 mg of omega-3 fatty acids.

The RDI of the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is 250-500 mg (27 mg).

Trout is also an important source of minerals such as manganese, phosphorus and selenium.

9. Salmon
Salmon is famous for being rich in omega-3 fatty acids. However, it is also an excellent source of B vitamins.

A half slice (178 grams) of cooked salmon contains more than 80% RDI vitamin B12.

The same serving size also provides 4023 mg of omega-3 fatty acids (28 mg).

In addition to high fat content, salmon also provides a lot of protein, about 40 grams (178 grams) (28 grams) per half fillet.

10. Fortified milk
Dairy-free milk is popular among those who want a nutritious vegan alternative to dairy products.

Although soy, almond, and rice milk is not rich in vitamin B12, they are usually fortified, which makes them an excellent source of vitamin B12.

An example is soy milk, which can provide up to 45% of the RDI vitamin B12 in one cup (240 ml) (29 ml).

Therefore, for those who want to increase their vitamin B12 intake and avoid vitamin B12 deficiency, fortified non-dairy milk may be a good choice.

Similar to other fortified sources of vitamin B12, the vitamin B12 in non-dairy milk is artificially synthesized, so it is beneficial to vegetarians.

11. Milk and dairy products
Milk and dairy products such as yogurt and cheese are important sources of protein and multiple vitamins and minerals, including vitamin B12.

One cup (240 ml) of whole milk provides 18% RDI for vitamin B12.

Among all cheeses, Swiss cheese has the highest vitamin B12 content. One ounce (30 grams) of Swiss cheese contains approximately 16% RDI (32 grams).

Full-fat plain yogurt is also a good choice. It has even been shown to help improve the vitamin B12 status of people who lack vitamin B12.

Interestingly, studies have shown that the body absorbs vitamin B12 in milk and dairy products better than the vitamin B12 in beef, fish or eggs.

For example, a study of more than 5,000 people showed that dairy products are more effective than fish in increasing vitamin B12 levels.

12. Eggs
Eggs are an important source of protein and B vitamins, especially B2 and B12.

Two large eggs (100 grams) provide approximately 22% of the vitamin B12 RDI, plus 28% of the vitamin B2 RDI.

Studies have shown that egg yolk contains more vitamin B12 than egg white, and the vitamin B12 in egg yolk is easier to absorb. Therefore, it is recommended to eat whole eggs instead of only egg whites.

In addition to getting enough vitamin B12, you can also get healthy vitamin d. Eggs are one of the few foods that naturally contain vitamin d, and 9% of the RDI contains two large eggs.
