Why Activate Carbon Filter Is Used For Purification 2022-11-30

In the process of filtering water, activated carbon is often used to remove pollutants and impurities. Carbon, possibly the most absorbent material known to man, is uniquely efficient because it has thousands of tiny pores where it can absorb. For example, one pound of activated carbon provides 125 acres of filtration surface area. The carbon is positively charged to attract negatively charged impurities such as chlorine, chemicals and volatile organic compounds.

What are Activated Carbon Filters Made of?

Most carbon pur water filter 9083 are made of either granular activated carbon (GAC) or a powdered block carbon material. Those with carbon blocks are the most effective because the ratio of activated carbon surface area to water is greater, and the powdered block is denser and water moves through it more slowly. The greater the surface area created by the lumpy carbon, the longer water is in contact with the carbon and the more pollutants are removed.

What Do Activated Carbon Filters Remove And Reduce?

Chlorine (Cl)

Most public tap water in Europe and North America is strictly regulated, tested and certified safe to drink. However, chlorine is added for safety, which may make it taste and smell bad. Activated carbon filters do an excellent job of removing chlorine and associated bad tastes and odors. Premium activated carbon wf710 filter removes 95% or more of free chlorine.


Pesticides are substances used to control pests, including weeds, that are treated and end up in groundwater, lakes, rivers, oceans, and sometimes even tap water. Activated charcoal was tested to remove 14 of the most common pesticides including Chlordane, Chlordecone (CLD/Kepone), Glyphosate (Round-up), Heptachlor and Lindane. This also includes nitrates (see below).


Herbicides, also commonly called herbicides, are substances used to control unwanted plants. Activated charcoal was tested to remove 12 of the most common herbicides, including 2,4-D and Atrazine.

When choosing a carbon water filter, you have to decide between activated carbon water filters and carbon block water filters. Since activated carbon attracts negatively charged pollutants—such as chlorine, benzene, and cancer-causing chemicals—and block carbon provides the most effective filter edr2rxd1, your water filter should be an activated carbon block water filter. Since activated carbon blocks are not as effective at removing sediment, filters that contain activated carbon blocks also contain another filter substance to reduce sediment. These multi-stage filters are the best.
